
Service Requirements

CLICK HERE for the Online Service Hours Submission Form


1. High school students will complete and submit 12 hours, including some for both parish and school (maximum of 4 hours in the summer preceding the school year qualify). Community hours may be submitted but are not required as part of the total.

2. Junior high students will complete and submit 6 hours, including some for both parish and school (maximum of 2 hours in the summer preceding the school year qualify). Community hours may be submitted but are not required as part of the total.

3. Service must not be: compensated, for a relative, or a requirement as a member of a team, club, or other organization.

4. Hours completed during obligatory Masses do not qualify (e.g. server, lector, usher); however, non-obligatory time qualifies (e.g. music preparation or taking Holy Communion to the homebound).

*A student’s Theology grade will be “Incomplete” until this service requirement is fulfilled. An incomplete grade results in extracurricular ineligibility according to State rules.

**Confirmation preparation includes service components separate and in addition to these requirements. Consult your local parish regarding expectations for Confirmation.


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