Welcome to the Student Ambassadors' webpage!
Mission: The Beckman Catholic Student Ambassador Program is a dynamic team of student leaders with a mission to promote faith, values and vision of Beckman Catholic High School and welcome and serve guests, perspective students, parents, alumni, and community members and businesses.
Purpose: To assist in marketing, recruitment and development of Beckman Catholic High School. The Ambassadors help out at the Beckman Catholic open house, visitation days, registration, conferences and many other events.
Membership: To seek membership in the student ambassador club students must have:
- All service hours completed from previous years
- Demonstrate leadership through at least one activity either at Beckman Catholic or in the community
- Complete all training events for the Ambassadors
- Have no failing grades at a final grading period (quarter or semester)
- Complete an application
- Participate in at least four ambassador events
- Participation in non-school time events may count towards school service hours
If you'd like to become a Student Ambassador, please complete the Google form below:
- Registration
- Deceased Alumni Mass
- All-Systems Mass
- Fall Open House
- 8th grade visitation
- 6th grade visitation
- Fall play
- Spring musical
- Homecoming Social
- Family Tours
- Elementary School event presence
- Alumni/Development Events
- Misc. Beckman Catholic events