The Beckman Catholic Booster Club
Mission Statement:
The Beckman Catholic High School Booster Club, through financial and volunteer resources, encourages the school's efforts to support extracurricular opportunities for all students and to establish collaboration between Beckman Catholic families, friends, benefactors and alumni.
The Booster Club raises funds to support all Beckman Catholic Students through the following efforts!! Please say yes if asked to contribute a little of your time in making these events successful!!
Baseball, Softball, Track & Soccer concessions
Whitehawks Tournament concessions
July 3rd concessions
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Pizza Sales
4th – 8th Basketball Tournament
Apparel/Uniform sales
50/50 raffles
Listing of items the Booster Club has recently contributed:
- Campus Ministry
- Window Decals at Main entrance and patio
- Gala Fund a Cause
- Health
- Athletics
- Art/Marketing Software
- Science Club
- State participant meals
- Physical Education
- Hot Lunch
- Library
- Speech Club
- Math Department
- Drama
- Resource Room
- Strength & Conditioning Program
- Football/Track patio & restrooms w/ MPA Football helmets
- Iowa High School Baseball Allstar Game Sponsor
- Meals for State Athletes
- Gym Scoreboard
- Fax machine for office
- Portable Tables
- IT - Wireless infrastructure
- Shoulder Pads
- Sports Training Table
- Campus Ministry
- Microphone for Choral
- Soccer Goals
- Art - Display Units
- Speech - Scripts and Transportation
- Softball Complex
- Football Complex
- Funds to Various student groups for working inside concessions
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Patio Doors
Concessions Area
Softball & Outdoor Athletic Facilities
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President – Nick Knepper [email protected]
Vice President – John Goerdt
Treasurer – Matt Goerdt
Secretary – Carrie Fangman
Bobby & Carrie Fangman
Doug & Julie Heinrichs
Russ & Kate Rahe
Dave & Michelle Klas
Troy & Jenny Osterhaus
Jason & Jenny Domeyer
Jeff & Michelle Geistkemper
Rob & Lori Blush
John & Amy Goerdt
Nick & Emily Knepper
Steve & Dena Kruse
Shane & Tina Bockenstedt
Matt & Kathy Goerdt
Mike & Jill Schlichte
Jeff & Trisha Their
Casey & Stephanie Frye
Brian & Kristie Cassidy
We are always looking for new Board members so contact any current member for meeting information or questions!
The Beckman Booster Club is a critical piece of Beckman Catholic High School. This all-activities organization provides assistance to all areas of our school. Those involved in the booster club provide our students with a great example of how to live out the principle of stewardship. Booster Club members provide Beckman Catholic with their time, talents, and treasure. These efforts allow our students to have numerous opportunities that otherwise would be difficult for us to provide or would potentially create a financial burden for many of our families. We are grateful for this dedicated group of volunteers and their commitment to Beckman Catholic.
Marcel Kielkucki
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the Beckman Booster Club, and to encourage everyone to support the Booster Club's efforts. Without the support of the Beckman Booster Club, Beckman would not be able to provide the students of Beckman Catholic High School with the fine extracurricular activities that it does.
Through the work of the Booster Club Board, and the many volunteers; funds are generated which help many organizations and activities at Beckman. If you are not a member of the Booster Club, please join, and if you are a member, please consider volunteering at one of the many events sponsored by the Booster Club.
The Beckman Booster Club has been at the forefront of ensuring that the athletic venues of Beckman Catholic High School are among the best in the state. The grandstand at the football field and the new softball complex are two of the biggest projects the Booster Club has funded in recent years. In addition, Booster club funds have helped complete work on the baseball infield and maintain the gym floor.
On a yearly basis, the Booster Club sets aside $10,000 - $15,000 for the athletic department to use to purchase uniforms and equipment. Just within the last two years, these funds have purchased uniforms for volleyball, boys and girls basketball, football, and softball. They have also reconditioned and purchased football helmets for both the high school and junior high programs, reconditioned wrestling mats, and purchased new batting cage nets for both baseball and softball.
Once again, a big THANK YOU to the Booster Club Board and all who have given so much of themselves for the past, current, and future student-athletes of Beckman Catholic High School!
Todd Troutman
Athletic Director
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