PROM 2024
Prom is on April 27, 2024, from 8:00-10:30 pm
Prom Moderator: Carrie Pirc ([email protected])
Commissioner of Junior Events: Madalynn Kruse
Commissioner of Social Events: Anna Spearslage
Prom Information:
Date: April 27, 2024, at the Dyersville Commercial Club/Pavilion
Select Juniors will set up on the afternoon of 4/26/2024
All juniors and seniors are to be in school on 4/26/2024, no appointments, errands, etc. will be honored, plan accordingly.
Prom is open to juniors and seniors from Beckman Catholic and their dates who must also be a junior in high school or older.
Prom Schedule:
5:00 pm: Many students attend Mass at St. Francis Xavier in Dyersville
6:00 pm: Junior and Senior class photo taken on the steps of the Basilica after Mass, weather permitting
6:45-7:15 pm: Dinner/Dance Checkin
7:15 pm: Junior & Senior class joint dinners at the Dyersville Commercial Club/Pavilion
8:00-10:00 pm: Dance at the Dyersville Commercial Club/Pavilion
Meal and tickets must be purchased in advance.
Students arriving after 7:15 pm will not be permitted.
9:15 pm: Coronation (Court parents invited to attend)
10:30 pm - 1:30 am: Post Prom Jasper Center/BCHS
Prom Clean Up: pending